GPWU asks those who would like to apply for GPWU as exchange students to submit the following documents.
Nomination Deadline
?March 15th ( For those who would like to study from October 1st )
?September 15th( For those who would like to study from April 1st )
Application Deadline
?April 15th ( For those who would like to study from October 1st )
?October 15th( For those who would like to study from April 1st )
※ You need to download Adobe Reader of Japanese version in order to read PDF files.
Documents | Notes | |
Application |
1 |
大学ウェブページシラバスから、 留学期間半年の場合: 留学時期(前期または後期)開講講座から5コマ以上選択 留学期間1年の場合: 前期開講講座から5コマ以上、後期開講講座から5コマ以上、計10コマ以上選択 One Semester Program : Choose at least 5 courses from the courses of the semester. Two Semester Program : Choose at least 5 courses from 1st Semester courses and 5 courses from 2nd Semester courses. Course Syllabus will be availabe on our webpage. |
2 沙巴体育での留学で学びたいこと.docx.(800字~1,000字)
an essay about what you would like to study and learn at GPWU(800~1,000 letters in Japanese) |
3 |
日本語担当の教授から日本での学習能力に対する推薦(日本語検定2級以上程度の能力を有する)を得ること。 Professor recommendation (Japanese-Language Proficiency Test N2 or equivalent) |
4 (日本語能力試験取得者は)日本語能力試験成績証明書の写し(Copy of Japanese-Language Proficiency Test) |
5 大学学長推薦書(President Recommnedation) |
6 |
7 経費支弁書(Letter of Financial Support).pdf経費支弁書(Letter of Financial Support).docx |
8 銀行作成の財政証明書(Official Bank Statement ) |
9 |
All educational background | |
10 最終卒業高校/大学の卒業証明書?成績証明書( Certificate of High School/University Graduation and Grades ) |
11 大学/大学院の在学証明書?成績証明書 ( Certificate of University/Graduate School Enrollment anf Grades ) |
12 顔写真データ(Face Photo) |
4 cm in height x 3 cm in width ※ |
Application for Residence Qualification |
13 在留資格認定証明書交付申請書(Application for Certificate of Eligibility).xlsx |
申請人等作成用 1?2P?3Pに記入 For applicant, part1, part2P, part3P |
14 旅券の写し(Copy of Passport) |
顔写真のページ ※記載事項が鮮明に見えること |
After Coming to Japan | 在留カード手続き用写真1枚(One Face Photo for applying for Residence Card) | 4 cm in height x 3 cm in width |
印鑑(Name Seal) |
?Needed for opening a bank account. ?1~2 cm in diameter. ?If you do not have your seal, please tell GPWU. You can buy it about ¥500. |
?出入国在留管理庁 Immigration Service Agency of Japan
?外務省 Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
?日本語能力試験 Japanese-Language Proficiency Test
?日本留学試験(日本学生支援機構) Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students
【個人情報取得の目的】The purspose of getting personal information
○ 取得した個人情報については、法令に定めがある場合を除き、下記のために利用します。
The personal information you provide for us will be used for the follwing things unless otherwise required.
① 学生との事務連絡 To contact students for the study-abroad program.
② 奨励金支給事務手続き To apply for the GPWU scholarship.
③ 留学先担当者との連絡調整 To contact the person in charge of the partner universites.
④ その他、留学手続き等に必要な業務 Others neccessary for study-abroad program.
○ ご不明な点は、下記までご連絡ください。 If you have any questions, please let us know.
外国語教育研究所 Foreign Language Research Institute
電話 0270-65-8511